GROUP THERAPY: Holiday groups
Social Chiefs Holiday Program

Ages 4-5
3 days during school holidays
Encourage thinking, playing, laughing and learning together
This group provides a playful and fun space for young children to be introduced to social skills. Learning how their own brain and body makes them social thinkers, part of the group or not – while they work towards becoming ‘social detectives’.
Social Agents Holiday Program

Ages 6 to 9
3 days during school holidays
Build social skills and confidence
This is a social group for children who struggle in group situations or may experience social anxiety. It is designed to build skills so children develop the power to control self-thoughts, feelings and regulation and work towards using their ‘social detective’ skills to notice and adjust their social responses.
Social Executives Holiday Program

Ages 9 to 13
3 days during school holidays
Practice group work and social skills
This group combines executive function and social skills into one program, providing a fun and safe space to practice group work skills. Here we support children to participate socially with fun and flexible thinking.
In this group, we practice using our ‘social detective’ skills – being social observers, to problem solve, be flexible thinkers, and recognise the many ways we can respond in social situations, conversations or to those around us in our environments.
Social Heroes Holiday Program

Ages 8 to 16 with special educational needs
3 days during school holidays
Practice group work and social skills
This is a fun and engaging group for children between ages 8-16, who have special educational needs. The group incorporates Arts & Craft, Cooking, Science, Music, with Group Games and Sensory-Motor activities, into three fun-filled days.
More group therapy sessions

Preschool Groups

Feeding Groups
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(02) 8040 0876
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Ground Floor
18-20 Orion Road
Lane Cove, Sydney, NSW 2066